MPS (Micro-Current Point Stimulation) Therapy integrates the principles of acupuncture with modern neurology to provide an all-natural, holistic approach to treating the body and mind. This combination produces highly effective results.
The Dolphin NeuroStim is designed to treat chronic and acute soft tissue pain, nerve pain, scars, and adhesions. The concentrated micro-current impulses are applied on trigger, motor, and acupuncture points. This provides quick and effective pain relief for a long list of conditions.
Releasing Scars electrically with the Dolphin NeuroStims can yield powerful results, such as improve mobility, diminish complications. and decrease pain often associated with deep scars. Whether from injury or surgery, scar tissue can be significantly improved and softened. Circulation and digestive function can be greatly improved with MPS Scar/Adhesion Release Therapy. It is our belief the Dolphin Neurostim™ will greatly assist many suffering patients, dramatically improving their quality of life.
AcuMed Medical, LTD
"We are seeing patients' pain levels drop from an 8/10 to a 2/10 in just a few treatments. MPS is a highly effective pain modality."
Dr. Mitchell Freed, Director, Florida Hospital Rehab
Whether from injury or surgery, scar tissue can be significantly improved and softened. Circulation and digestive function can be greatly improved with MPS Scar/Adhesion Release Therapy.
It is our belief the Dolphin Neurostim™ will greatly assist many suffering patients, dramatically improving their quality of life.